
Struct vs Class in iOS Swift 5: A Comprehensive Guide


Understanding Structs and Classes

When developing iOS applications using Swift 5, understanding the intricacies of structs and classes is paramount. These two fundamental building blocks of object-oriented programming (OOP) possess distinct characteristics that impact the behavior of your code. This article delves deep into the differences between structs and classes, providing a comprehensive guide to help you master these concepts.

Structs: Value Types

Structs (short for structures) are value types, meaning that they store their data directly within their instances. Each struct variable is an independent copy of the data, and any changes made to a struct variable do not affect other variables referencing the same struct type.

Classes: Reference Types

In contrast, classes are reference types, indicating that they store a reference to the actual data in memory. When you assign a class variable, you are essentially creating a pointer to the data. This means that changes made to a class variable are reflected in all other variables referencing the same class instance.

Memory Management

The distinction between value and reference types has significant implications for memory management. Value types like structs are copied by value, meaning that a new copy of the data is created each time a struct variable is assigned. This can be efficient for small structs, but it can become costly for large structs.

Reference types like classes are copied by reference, meaning that the variables only store a pointer to the data. This can be more efficient for large objects, as it avoids the overhead of copying the entire data set. However, it also introduces the potential for memory leaks if references to objects are not properly managed.

When to Use Structs vs Classes

The choice between using a struct or a class depends on the specific requirements of your application. Structs are generally preferred for small, immutable data objects, such as points, sizes, and colors. Classes are more suitable for complex, mutable objects, such as user profiles, orders, and shopping carts.


Understanding the differences between structs and classes is essential for writing efficient and maintainable code in iOS Swift 5. By leveraging the appropriate type for each scenario, you can optimize memory usage, avoid memory leaks, and enhance the performance of your applications.