
Operation and the Secrets of the Execution Queue


The Symphony of Dependencies

The magic of Operation begins with the concept of dependencies. Like notes in a musical composition, dependencies orchestrate the flow of operations, dictating which ones can step into the limelight of readiness. When one operation relies on the sweet notes of another, it patiently waits in the shadows until its predecessor takes a bow.

The Rhythm of Priorities

Once an operation graces the stage of readiness, the conductor of priorities takes the baton. With a flick of its imaginary baton, the operations dance into an orderly procession, their steps determined by the queuePrioriy setting. The highest priority performers strut their stuff first, while others patiently await their turn.

The Canvas of States

The life of an operation is a vibrant painting, awash with ever-changing states. From the initial stillness of "init" to the flurry of "executin," each state adds a splash of color to the operation's canvas. The final masterpiece, "finished," marks the culmination of its journey, a moment of applause from the audience of the Execution Queue.

The Callback Chorus

As the operation's performance draws to a close, the chorus of callbacks swells in volume. These musical interludes summon the interested parties, signaling the operation's graceful exit from the stage. The sweet symphony of callbacks ensures that the curtain call is as grand as the performance itself.

Weaving it All Together

Like the intricate notes of a symphony, the elements of Operation and OperationQueue intertwine to create a masterpiece of concurrency. Dependencies, priorities, states, and callbacks form a musical score, guiding the operations through their lifecycle. As we delve into the depths of the Execution Queue, let us appreciate the artistry of this design, a symphony of asynchronous artistry.