
Flutter on iOS Accelerates GPU with Metal


In this release, the primary focus has been continuing the comprehensive optimization work on both performance and memory improvements. Users will see faster animations, smaller apps, and lower memory usage simply by upgrading their apps to this release. The default navigation case (an opaque navigation bar) is now between 20% and 37% faster in this release. For simple iOS animations, CPU/GPU usage has been reduced by up to 40%...

Metal: A Powerful Graphics Engine

Metal is a low-level graphics API developed by Apple that provides direct access to the GPU. By utilizing Metal, Flutter can bypass the slower software rendering pipeline and communicate directly with the GPU, resulting in noticeably improved performance. This is particularly evident in graphics-intensive applications and animations.

Performance Enhancements

The integration of Metal in Flutter on iOS has led to substantial performance gains. Animations are now smoother and more responsive, with up to 37% faster rendering in the default navigation case. Additionally, CPU and GPU usage has been optimized, resulting in up to 40% reduction for simple iOS animations.

Memory Savings

Beyond performance improvements, Metal also contributes to reduced memory usage. By eliminating the need for software rendering, Flutter can allocate less memory to graphics operations. This translates to smaller app sizes and lower memory consumption, which is especially beneficial for devices with limited resources.

Enhanced User Experience

The combination of performance and memory optimizations in Flutter on iOS ultimately enhances the user experience. Applications feel more responsive, animations are fluid, and overall system performance is improved. This makes Flutter an ideal choice for developing high-quality, visually appealing applications for iOS devices.


The adoption of Metal in Flutter on iOS is a significant step forward in improving the overall performance and user experience of Flutter applications. Developers can now harness the power of Metal to create visually stunning, responsive applications with smaller memory footprints. These optimizations pave the way for even more innovative and immersive Flutter experiences on iOS devices.